The Big City Christmas series consists of 7 designs that will be released consecutively for 7 months. The designs each have a stitch count of 59w x 71h or 72h.  If the entire series is stitched together, as I show, it has a stitch count of 413w x 72h. Also, if you are stitching the…
Designer: Cross Stitch Antiques Year: 2021 Series: Sampler of the Month #5 Stitch Count: 160 x 170 Finished Size: 9 x 9 1 2 Model Fabric: 36 ct. Eureka Linen from Fox and Rabbit AVAS Floss: 3835, 3423, Noir, 2932, F10, 3832, 3714, 2624, 1444, 1843, 0924, 2242, 2236, 4215 These two samplers, so very…
Model: 40 ct Light Hazelnut by XJude Designs (suggested alternate Espresso by R&R Reproductions) Floss: Soie D’Alger 100 3 silks Stitch Count: 239 w x 258 h Design Size: 11.95 in w x 12.9 in h
Linen: 40 count Tickerty-Boo by Tabbycat Linen Threads: Needlepoint Ink Silks (NPI) Stitch Count: 216 wide x 218 high Model Finished Size: 10.8 inches x 10.9 in Original: 16 ½ inches wide x 15 ½ inches high on 26 count linen over two threads and over one thread Conversion to DMC and 100 3 silks…
Fabric: 40 Count Brea by Needle and Flax Floss: DMC Stitch Count: 119 stitches wide x 122 stitches high Design Size: 5.95 inches wide x 6.10 inches high
Series: Sampler of the Month #12 Stitch Count: 237 x 242 Finished Size: 11.85 x 12.10 Model Fabric: 40 ct. Parchment Linen from Weeks Dye Works NPI Floss: 545, 142, 698, 992, 693, 764, 292, 463, 993, 877, 502, 332, 575, 152, 962 This vibrant red, green and gold sampler hails from Wales. Rich in…
Stitch Count: 67 x 51; 61 x 43; 64 x 39 Finished Size: 5 3 4 to 6 with wooden finials Model Fabric: 36 ct.linen in various colors Classic Colorworks Floss: Secret Garden, Peapod, Blue Corn, Honeycomb Gentle Art Floss: Misty Harbor, Wood Trail, Brown Bear, Endive Weeks Dye Works Floss: Plum, Onyx DMC Floss:…